In honor of my very first blog post (EVER!!) I am sharing my birth story and the pictures from our sweet Cooper’s arrival. Our baby boy was born June 21st, 2018 at 11:57am, weighing 6lbs 14oz. He wasn’t due until July 10th, so we weren’t expecting him for a few more weeks!! I woke up suddenly on Thursday morning at 4:44am with a sharp contraction. I’d been having sporadic contractions for a few weeks so I wasn’t sure if this was IT, but it felt different. I closed my eyes and laid back down and then immediately had another one just 3 minutes later. Three minutes later, another one! I jumped out of bed and started getting ready. I woke Max up and we were in the car within minutes (luckily the bags were packed and ready to go!) Once at the hospital, I was checked for dilation and was already a FIVE. I was admitted and my doctor broke my water at 7:30am. Ladies-if you are pregnant or plan to have a baby someday, listen to me very carefully-GET THE EPIDURAL ASAP. It is magic, straight magic. Once I had that epidural I didn’t feel a thing. It was such a relaxed morning, watching the World Cup and just hanging out with our families. I progressed steadily and around 11:20 we started pushing! My doctor came in and delivered our sweet boy at 11:57am. It was THE MOST surreal feeling having him laid on my chest and kissing him for the first time. As cliche as it is, we had no idea the level of love we were going to feel for this tiny little human. And-who knew staring at a baby for hours and hours could be so entertaining?? We just love our little man to pieces!

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